Write A Topic Suitable For A Narrative Essay Based On The Concept University
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Arieanne Evans-Hill Essays - Textual Scholarship, Publishing
Arieanne Evans-Hill November 2017 History of Art I Dr. Jones Manuscript Reflection Illuminated manuscripts are expressions of piety, so no I don't think that St. John of Damascne and St. Bernard of Clairvaux would approve of the construction and distribution of such art. These two believe that it's only essential to have devotion within us rather than creating false representations and idols. Although the art and words in the manuscripts choose to convey and exemplify the religious beliefs of the medieval time period, it can still be seen as paganistic. Illuminated manuscripts can almost be interpreted as advertisements for certain religions without actually including God, himself. Illuminated words that are golden and colorful drawings have no correlation to what a religion actually entails but it does attract readers because of how expensive and impressive it may appear. In Esoteric Buddhism, art was key in educating the people that were interested in learning about Buddhist gods and their relationships. Mandalas are cosmic diagrams of the universe in schematic order. They were essentially identical in manner to illuminated manuscripts because they incorporated gold print, vibrant colors and silk (which is very thin) comparable to the thin paper of said manuscripts. In the Late Antique Byzantine era, the Icon of St Michael the Archangel also can be considered an advertisement for a religion that is purely pagan. It doesn't even have God in the portrait and was constructed with a lot of expensive objects, which makes it comparable to illuminated manuscripts. Something that's comparable to the practice of producing and using illuminated manuscripts would be the advertisement of books sold by megachurches that don't really help the buyer, only the church's bank. Those books sell false hope.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Characteristics of a Good Editor
Characteristics of a Good Editor You dont have to work for a magazine or newspaper to benefit from the help of a good editor. Even if she seems nit-picky with her line edits, remember that the editor is on your side. A good editor addresses your writing style and creative content, among many other details. Editing styles will vary, so find an editor that gives you the safe space to be creative and make mistakes simultaneously. The Editor and the Writer Carl Sessions Stepp, the author of Editing for Todays Newsroom, believes editors should practice restraint and refrain from immediately reshaping the content in their own images. He has advised editors to read an article all the way through, open your mind to the logic of the [writers] approach, and offer at least minimal courtesy to the professional who has dripped blood for it. Jill Geisler of The Poynter Institute says a writer must be able to trust that an editor respects the writers ownership of a story and can resist the temptation to completely write a new and improved version. Says Geisler, Thats fixing, not coaching. ... When you fix stories by doing instant rewrites, there may be a thrill in showing off your skill. By coaching writers, you discover better ways to craft copy. Gardner Botsford of The New Yorker magazine says that a good editor is a mechanic, or craftsman, while a good writer is an artist, adding that that the less competent the writer, the louder the protests over editing. Editor As Critical Thinker Editor-in-chief Mariette DiChristina says editors must be organized, able to see the structure where it does not exist and able to identify the missing pieces or gaps in logic that bring the writing together. [M]ore than being good writers, editors must be good critical thinkers who can recognize and evaluate good writing [or who] can figure out how to make the most of the not-so-good writing. ... [A] good editor needs a sharp eye for detail, writes DiChristina. A Quiet Conscience The legendary, shy, strong-willed editor of The New Yorker, William Shawn, wrote that it is one of the comic burdens of [an] editor not to be able to explain to anyone else exactly what he does. An editor, writes Shawn, must only counsel when the writer requests it, acting on occasion as a conscience and helping the writer in any way possible to say what he wants to say. Shawn writes that the work of a good editor, like the work of a good teacher, does not reveal itself directly; it is reflected in the accomplishments of others. A Goal-Setter Writer and editor Evelynne Kramer say the best editor is patient and always keeps in mind the long-term goals with the writer and not just what they see on the screen. Says Kramer, We can all get better at what we do, but improvement sometimes takes a lot of time and, more often than not, in fits and starts. A Partner Editor-in-chief Sally Lee says the ideal editor brings out the best in a writer and allows a writers voice to shine through. A good editor makes a writer feel challenged, enthusiastic and valuable. An editor is only as good as her writers, says Lee. An Enemy of Cliches Media columnist and reporter David Carr said the best editors are the enemies of clichà ©s and tropes, but not the overburdened writer who occasionally resorts to them. Carr stated that the perfect traits of a good editor are good judgment, an appropriate bedside manner and an ability to conjure occasional magic in the space between writer and editor.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Donald Trump Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Donald Trump - Research Paper Example As such, all the people working under the leader will have different tasks in accomplishing a common goal. One of the epic leaders of this century is Donald trump. Trump insists that leaders should have control of organisations they lead. However, this is not to mean leaders should be dictatorial. As a fact, trump leads through the model of personality, which depicts five leadership traits. To begin with, trump suggests that leaders should have surgency. This is where leaders have convincing power to the people they lead. A leader should influence the understanding of the people to focus on the point of view from the leader. Similarly, the leaders should ensure the people they lead have focus on the mission, vision and objectives of the organisation. Therefore, there is a need for mutual understanding of all these aspects for success. When the people they lead have a mutual understanding of the vision, mission and objectives, they are likely to conform to the desires of the leaders ( Lussier and Achua, 2013). Consequentially, trump states that competitiveness is one of the traits that a leader should embrace. With competitiveness, the leader is able to mentor competitive workers. This in turn improves the competitiveness of the organisation. ... This leads to decisiveness in an organisation where decisions are made in the meanest time (Trump, 2005). Therefore, a leader must be in a position to influence agreement in an organisation. This is where a leader has to consider collecting ideas, feedback and thoughts from the subordinates and other workers. As such, a final decision should be substantive after collection of facts from the workers and subordinates. This will enhance decision making as all the interests of workers are considered. Similarly, there is need to enhance change, implementation and managing risks through collective decision-making. Though leaders have the authority and control of making decisions, they should consider the emphasis of the subordinates. Trump states that leaders who often agree with subordinates are better prepared to make a positive impact (Trump, 2011). This allows subordinates and other workers to work in coordination for a collective goal. However, when workers and their leaders do not ag ree, there are possibilities of flaws. This is a perfect way of instilling confusion in an organisation. As such, a quagmire will erupt in the collective goals that should be achieved. Therefore, a leader should engage all subordinates and workers in decision making to limit chances of confusion in the collective goals. Trump states that leaders should be prepared for adjustments. A leader has to be prepared for change when leading people at the work place. For example, in this era of technological advancement, a leader should be prepared to adore and embrace change. With each passing day, businesses and organisation are looking for better and effective methods of executing tasks (Lussier and Achua, 2013). Therefore, a leader that
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Southwest Airline comprehensive external environment analysis Research Paper
Southwest Airline comprehensive external environment analysis - Research Paper Example Though the local political affairs are usually kept under control, there are numerous other issues that do not lie within the company’s hands. The perpetual rise in the fuel prices has always remained a major issue for Southwest. The unpredictable nature of the fuel prices is hugely attributed to several external factors which are usually not within the control of the company. The fuel prices are hugely driven by political agendas of the oil supplying nations and it may have varying results for the airline industry since oil is the major expenditure that an airline company has to endure in order to operate effectively and efficiently. Economic Factors The aviation industry within the United States of America has been a major contributor towards improving its country’s economy. According to a study issued by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in May 2012, the airline industry has almost contributed $669.5 billion (4.9%) to the U.S. economy. Of this amount , almost 31% was contributed by airlines, airports and airline concerned services. The current era in which Southwest operates, fuel is presumably the main issue for not only Southwest airline but the entire aviation industry. According to the financial statements of Southwest Airlines, oil and jet fuel prices have remained at around 37% of total operating expenses both in the year 2011 and 2012 (Investor Relations, 2012). Social Factors Travelling has remained an important aspect of people normal living and with the dynamism in the economy, commuting has increased rapidly during the last four to five decades. People who usually travel from one place to another would always want to travel with low cost, high quality service. Hence it may be argued that such services are, based on their cheapness, are usually available via rail or road transport but this issue may be reduced to a greater extent since Southwest operates a low cost airline service and people would prefer it considering the low cost which it offers. Ecological Factors Environment friendliness has always remained an important feature for Southwest Airlines. The company has always focused on purchasing fleets that are both cost efficient as well as environment friendly. In a bid to prove it environment friendly nature, the company ordered the purchase of almost 150 Boeing 737 MAX aircraft which it considers to be more environment friendly than its present aircrafts (Annual Report, 2011). Southwest also uses environmentally responsible products within its aircraft fleet in order to help providing better atmosphere for its customers. In order to display its commitment towards improving the environment, the company issued its â€Å"Southwest One Report†. The report addresses several ecological issues and also provides strategies which would be adopted by the company to help reduce environmental hazards (Annual Report, 2011). Technological Factors The aviation service industry is technology inten sive with an upward shift required at frequent intervals in order to remain competitive. Southwest Airlines has continuously kept up its foot on the accelerator with respect to technologically upgrading its services. The company has improved its website and its frequent flyer program in order to attract more customers. The company has also improved its fleets by providing Wi-Fi services to its
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Cytochrome b6f complex Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Cytochrome b6f complex - Essay Example As one of the major photosynthetic protein that is widely been explored in the study of biochemistry, the cytochrome b6f complex is commonly found not only in green algae but also in cyanobacteria (Baniulis et al., 2009; Whitelegge et al., 2002). Each time the plants undergo photosynthesis, the cytochrome b6f complex plays a significant role in the process of transferring the electro-chemical proton 11 across the thylakoid membrane (Laisk, Nedbal and Govindjee, 2009, p. 159). In other words, the thylakoid membrane in plants is responsible in introducing some protons within the close surroundings of the thylakoid. As part of analyzing the biochemistry and role of cytochrome b6f complex in the photosynthesis of plants, this study will purposely gather and make use of several scientific-based literature in discussing not only the relationship between the Cytochrome b6f complex and its biochemical structure but also the basic modes of enzyme catalysis in relation to some specific example s. Relationship between Functions of Cytochrome b6f Complex to their Structures To be able to clearly explain the relationship betwen the functions of cytochrome b6f complex and its biochemical structure, it is necessary to first explore the biochemical structure of cytochrome b6f complex followed by discussing the main function of cytochrome b6f complex. ... According to Whitelegge et al. (2002), the structure of cytochrome b6f complex is complex due to the fact that cytochrome b6f complex is composed of as much as eight (8) different polypeptide subunits (Baniulis et al., 2009; Dashdorj et al., 2005; Genji et al., 2004). In line with this, several studies strongly suggest that cytochrome b6f complex is complex since it is composed of a total of seven (7) prosthetic groups (Baniulis et al., 2008; Cramer et al., 2004). Several studies explained that the structure of cytochrome b6f complex is composed of four large subunits between 17 to 32 kDa such as the membrane bound c-type cytochrome f (PetA), cytochrome b6 (PetB), the Rieske iron-sulfur protein which is also known as the Rieske ISP (PetC), and the subunit IV (PetD) (Baniulus et al., 2011; Cramer, Hasan and Yamashita, 2011; Yan and Cramer, 2003; Schneider et al., 2002; Whitelegge et al., 2002). According to Baniulus et al. (2011), petA, petB, petC, and petD are classified as large sub units that can interact well with the redox-active prosthetic groups. Serving as the â€Å"picket fence†type of structure that surrounds the core of cytochrome b6f complex’s four (4) larger subunits, the structure of cytochrome b6f complex is also composed of four (4) other hydrophobic subunits (3.2 to 4.2 kDa) which include the PetG, PetL, PetM, and PetN (Baniulus et al., 2011; Whitelegge et al., 2002). For example, Kugler et al. (1998) mentioned that the chloroplast cytochrome b6f complex is composed of seven (7) different subunits including very small proteins such as PetG, PetL, and PetM proteins. After conducting an ex-ray structure analysis, Genji et al. (2004) found out that the biochemical structure of cytochrome b6f complex in blue-green algae is crystal in form. Because of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Clinical Reasoning And Decision Making In Nursing Nursing Essay
Clinical Reasoning And Decision Making In Nursing Nursing Essay All nurses use clinical judgement to make decisions while caring for patients. These decisions have an effect on the actions of the healthcare professional and the delivery of health care the patient receives Jones and Beck (1996). Its the nurses responsibility to make clinical decisions based on their learnt knowledge and skills. Simple decisions such as, would a bed pan or commode be more appropriate? To making quick, on the spot decisions, such as what steps to take if a patient began to rapidly deteriorate. Nurses rely on sound decision making skills to maintain positive outcomes and up to date care. Orme and Maggs (1993) identified that decision-making is an essential and integral aspect of clinical practice. Nurses are accountable for their decisions, therefore it is crucial that they are aware of how they make these decisions Muir (2004). This essay will discuss two decision making models, factors that may improve or interfere with clinical reasoning and decision making in pat ient centred care and how they vary across the different fields of nursing. The decision making models that will be discussed are Risk Analysis and Evidence Based. Risk assessment plays a major part in the process of supporting patients and it greatly helps to maintain safety in hospital settings. Its main purpose is not only to identify potential risks but also remove and prevent them. Assessment is considered to be the first step in the process of individualised nursing care Neno and Price (2008). Risk analysis provides information that is vital in developing a plan of action that can help improve personal health. It has the potential to decrease the severity of chronic conditions, helping the individual to gain control over their health through self-care RCN (2004). Not only is risk analysis for the patients safety but its also there to ensure staff safety Kavaler and Spiegel (2003). It is imperative that nurses use suitable risk assessment tools as a guide to enable them to make effective decisions. Once the tool has been implemented, using the gathered information and using their own clinical judgement, the nurse will then be able to provi de the right safety precautions for patients Holme (2009). There are many different types of risk assessment tools available for patients and staff within the clinical setting. For patients there is the Waterlow score risk of pressure sores and ulcers, the MUST tool Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool, FRAT Falls Risk Assessment Tool and Pain Assessment Tools are only to name a few and they are commonly used in clinical practice. Staff have Infection Control Assessments and Discharge Risk Assessments only to name a couple but they should be kept up to date and reassessed regularly Daniels (2004). The pressure ulcer risk assessment/prevention policy tool, is frequently used in clinical practice. Pressure risk-assessment tools have been described as the backbone of any prevention and treatment policy Waterlow(1991). The Department of Health set annual targets for an overall reduction of pressure ulcers by 5-10% over 1 year (DoH, 1993), so it is vital that nurses accurately determine which patients are at risk of developing pressure ulcers. A pressure ulcer is an area of localised damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by pressure, shear, friction or a combination of these EPUAP (1998). The intention of the Waterlow pressure sore risk assessment is to recognise service users who are highly at risk of developing pressure sores, to avoid them becoming worse and/or even developing them at all, to serve as an early predictive index before the development of pressure damage Nixon and McGough ( 2001). It is imperative that patients are assessed using this tool, especially patients with Intrinsic risk factors such as restricted mobility and /or are confined to their bed for long periods of time, patients with poor nutrition, elderly patients, patients with underlying health conditions such as diabetes and patients who are urinary incontinent and bowel incontinent are also highly at risk of developing pressure sores, this due to the moisture, moist skin can be weak and susceptible to breakdown Andrychuk (1998). Accordi ng to the NICE clinical guideline 29 (2005) pressure ulcer grades should be recorded using the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Classification System. There are four stages that pressure ulcers are graded at and it is down to the nurses own clinical judgement to decide what stage the ulcer is. Depending on the grade of the pressure sore, it will depend on the type of mattress that will be needed. There are factors to be considered before selecting a mattress for the patient which include, making sure the mattress does not elevate the patient to an unsafe height and to ensure the patient is within the recommended weight range for the mattress NICE (2005). Using their learnt skills, experiences and own clinical knowledge, nurses have to decide what dressings should be used in the treatment of pressure ulcers. They have to take into consideration the grade of the sore, any manufacturers indications for use and contraindications, previous positive effects of certain dressing and preference for comfort or lifestyle reasons Bouza et al (2005). Specially designed dressings and bandages can be used to speed up the healing process and help protect pressure sores such as hydrocolloid and alginate dressings which will be used at the nurses digression NHS Choices (2010). Nurses should always be aware of any potential risk factors that may worsen or add to the development of pressure ulcers when using any pressure risk assessment tool. The nurse will have to decide the frequency of re-positioning the patient, implementing a turning chart to keep times and dates documented and to communicate to other members of staff what time the patient needs turning. This involves moving the patient into a different position to remove or redistribute pressure from a part of the body Walsh and Dempsey (2010). By analysing the evidence on the effectiveness of repositioning this can help to reduce patient suffering and improve their quality of life, lighten the work load of staff and help reduce the financial burden on the health service Luoa and Chub (2010). In paediatric nursing, a child is to be assessed within six hours of being admitted and then reassessed daily. Most paediatric pressure ulcer risk assessment scales were developed using clinical experience, or by modifying adult scales Bedi (1993). The Glamorgan Paediatric Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Scale was developed using detailed paediatric inpatient data Willock et al (2008). It is a clinical tool designed to help nurses assess the risk of a child developing a pressure ulcer, it uses a scoring system that takes things like mobility, equipment, haemoglobin levels and temperature into account and guides the nurse as to what interventions need to be put in place, such as what type of mattress or dressings will be needed. In learning disability and mental health nursing, a range of pressure sore assessment tools are used such as the Norton, Braden and Waterlow risk assessment scales, these are mainly used for patients who are not very mobile as in the adult field. Nursing is more concentrated on their patients psychological health OTuathail and Taqi (2011). It is the nurses duty to provide the best possible care for their patients and this involves using Evidence-based practice. EBP enables the nurse to make decisions about patient care based on the most current, best available evidence. It allows the nurse to provide high quality care to patients based on knowledge and research Rodgers (1994). Principles of evidence-based practice and the crucial elements involved in the process are explained by Cleary-Holdforth and Leufer (2008) in five steps. Steps are there to equip nurses with the necessary knowledge and skills to use evidence-based practice effectively and to make positive contributions to patient outcomes. The five steps Ask, Aquire, Appraise, Apply, Analysis and Ajust are to simply guide healthcare professionals in making effective clinical decisions when problem solving. Early Warning Score (EWS) is an evidence based method. Carberry (2002) identifies that the purpose of EWS is to provide nursing and medical staff with a physiological score generated from recordings of vital signs. NICE Clinical Guideline 50 (2007) suggests that physiological track and trigger systems should be implemented to monitor all adult patients in acute hospital settings, providing guidance on the standardization of EWS. Physiological signs that should be monitored and recorded are heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, temperature and level of consciousness. Vital signs should be recorded upon admission, at regular intervals during a patients stay and also before, during and after certain procedures Castledine (2006) and the frequency of monitoring, if abnormal physiology is detected should increase. EWS uses a scoring system 0, 1, 2, and 3 and colour codes white, yellow, orange and red, number 3 and the colour red being the highest risk indicators Morris and Davies (2010). Nurses should adapt to following guidelines the Early Warning Score offers, to help make clinical decisions that are best for their patients. Factors that may improve or prevent effective decision making while using the EWS could be down to capability, knowledge and ignorance. If health care professionals are well able and confident in recording and documenting patients vital signs, then any changes can be observed and prevented or dealt with quickly. The EWS implementation adds automated alerts hours before a rapid response would be initiated and can decrease treatment delays by up to three hours Subbe et al (2003). It only takes one nurse to lack competence when using the EWS, therefore putting patients lifes at risk. Early Warning Score is also used in the Mental Health and Learning Disability fields of nursing although it may not be used as often as in Adult nursing, it is imperative that patients who are physically or mentally unwell, require monitoring of their vital signs in an acute setting. Nurses may have to use their knowledge to improvise different ways of obtaining vital signs from some patients with learning disabilities or mental health problems, such as turning it into a game or distracting them especially if they lack the mental capacity and are unwilling to comply Hardy (2010) Medication can have serious effects on a patients health. Indications of these effects may be noticed in their EWS, combined with the knowledge and clinical judgement of health care professionals NIMH (2008) . If the EWS tool is not used as it should be in these fields then it will be hard for the health care professionals to obtain the needed evidence to make accurate clinical decisions. In the child field of nursing a similar tool to the EWS is used called PEWS, Paediatric Early Warning Scores. There are currently four PEWS charts used within the NHS for different age groups, 0-11months, 1-4 years, 5-12years and 13-18 years, the difference being the ranges for childrens vital signs NHS (2013). A key factor that may hinder accurate PEWS scoring could be due to the fact the child is scared when it comes to checking their vital signs, also very young children can be unwilling or fidgety Kyle (2008), this is where the nurse would have to use their knowledge to overcome such problems. The nurse could make it fun for the child, explain the equipment and what they are going to do and why. It is vital that the nurse gains consent from the childs parent before carrying out any procedure. It is important that the family play an important role in the care of the child DOH (2001). I have learnt various things while researching into the chosen decision making models and methods. I have been made aware of potential risk factors that may arise while using both tools in all fields of nursing and what could be done to prevent them. I feel confident in looking out for any risks involving the EWS and Pressure ulcer risk assessment tools while out in practice and believe that using these tools correctly can ultimately save lives.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Boyz in the Hood Essay
Boyz in the Hood is a vivid video representation of what life is like for those who live in the hood. There are two families that were the focus within the movie: The Styles and The Bakers. The director of the movie, John Singleton, wants his viewers to compare the lives of the individuals within the movie to their own lives so there could be a change in our society. He discretely expresses the importance of a good upbringing by a fatherly figure. I believe that this made the difference with the two families. It made all the difference to be brought up in the right circumstances. The two families were brought up in a lower class part of Los Angeles. The area is a low income neighborhood with the homes in need of much repair. In the movie there is un-cut grass and un-raked leaves cumbering the ground. The paint on the walls is chipped and dull. The movie shows Tre at a young age sent to his father Furious. Tre and the Bakers children, Doughboy and Ricky become good friends throughout their teen years. It is interesting that these kids would get into so much trouble by just trying to find things to keep them occupied. In one scene of the movie, Ricky took a football as they were walking around town. A group of teenagers eyed the ball and desired to take it. With a little contention they stole the ball. After a small conflict, they got the ball back. There were many differences between the two families. The Baker family did not have a male figure in the home. The mother, Brenda tended to take care of the kids on her own. In the Styles home there was no father because Tre’s mom and dad, Reva and Furious separated. Even though Furious did not live with his family, he was around to help Tre become a man. When Tre’ was in the middle years of elementary school, he made an agreement with his parents that if he got into trouble, he would be sent to live with his dad. Indeed that ended up happening and he lived with his father till he was around 20 years old. During these years, he learned many things that helped prepare him for life. There was one pivotal point within the move that helped illustrate this. On a clear, beautiful day Tre and Furious went fishing. There was an ulterior motive to spending that type of quality time. It gave Furious and Tre the opportunity to communicate. Furious could give insight and ask Tre questions. Furious states, â€Å"Black man aint got no place in the army. †He offers his fatherly council to impress Tre not to join the army. Also within the boat Furious asks Tre what he knows about sex. After a short remark from Tre, his dad says, â€Å"Only a real man can raise children. †This comment made a big influence on Tre whether he knew it or not. Through his teen years, he maintained his virtue. Doughboy and Ricky Styles on the other hand did not have the fatherly council that Furious offered to Tre. They were left to themselves to learn how to become men. Their mother, Brenda, was not the best example for them while they were children. She would call them names that I would never imagine would come out of a mother’s mouth. The lack of respect for women is a good indicator of the lack of fatherly influence for the Styles. Doughboy thought he was tough. He thought that he was superior to all around him. His attitude might have contributed to him being in jail. After getting out of jail, he had nothing going for him. He would hang around the porch with his thug buddies. Ricky was in a better frame of mind with regards to his future. He wanted to get an education while playing football for the University of California in Loa Angeles. I believe that Ricky turned out better because Tre became his fatherly figure. Ricky and Tre were best friends. They wanted each other to succeed in life and would do anything for each other. While Tre first moved in with his dad, Furious blurted a statement that came true many years later. He says, â€Å"you’re gonna see how they end up too. †He was referring to the Styles children who were young at the time. There is a fulfillment of this prophesy at the end of the movie. Both Ricky and Doughboy end up being tragically shot and killed. I really had a hard time with the fact that Ricky died. Despite his upbringing, he had things going for him. The examples that were set forth within the movie vividly gives food for thought of what we can do to make a difference. For Tre, he was fortunate to have well educated parents that showed good examples. The Styles children lacked these aspects and it played an important roll on how they turned out. Therefore, if the movie accurately portrays the outcome of such circumstances, then we need to make a difference in society by starting in the home. By raising children in an environment that will help them make wise critical decisions, I believe this will accomplish what director John Shingleton wanted to convey to his viewers.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Use Of Tobacco In Australia Health And Social Care Essay
Australia has been one of the taking counties that have a great path record of baccy control. In Australia, there are around 3 million people who smoke on a regular basis between the ages of 18 to 25. The addition in baccy control strategies that increased the monetary value of baccy merchandises have changed the manner people smoke. In a recent survey, economic experts valued the nest eggs associated with avoided deceases and related diminutions in unwellness and disablement due to cut down baccy usage in Australia over the last 30 old ages at $ 8.6b ( NTS 2004 ) . The aims of the National Tobacco Strategy are the undermentioned: To assist forestall smoking uptake To assist and promote as many tobacco users as possible to discontinue smoke every bit shortly as they are able. To take exposures to harmful tobacco fume among non-smokers. If able, cut downing the harmful effects of continued usage of baccy and nicotine. Tobacco control schemes such as these increases the monetary value of baccy merchandises which changes people ‘s attitudes towards smoking through ordinances and runs that cut down baccy usage. ( NTS 2004 ) Regulation of Tobacco Promotion of Quit and Smoke free messages Cessation services and intervention Community support and instruction Addressing societal, economic and cultural determiners of wellness Tailoring enterprises for deprived groups Research, rating and monitoring & A ; surveillanceRegulation of TobaccoThe purpose of the NTS is to extinguish all promotional merchandises of baccy by those in the baccy trade, and to seek to turn to to them of the injury caused by other positive portraitures of smoke in the media.Promotion of Quit and Smoke free messagesThe purpose of the NTS is to do the wellness hazards of smoking more personal and to increase people ‘s resoluteness in discontinuing and assist them be cognizant of many effectual therapies and contact inside informations for services.Cessation services and interventionThe purpose of the NTS is to guarantee that every Australian tobacco user who are in contact with the wellness attention system are identified and be advised to discontinue, and that tobacco users who are likely to hold jobs discontinuing from smoking have easy entree to many appropriate and effectual pharmacotherapy ‘s.Community support and instructionThe purpose of the NTS to lend attem pts to forestall kids from smoke, and to guarantee that the community is intelligent about smoke.Addressing societal, economic and cultural determiners of wellnessThe purpose of the NTS is to cut down societal disaffection, along with many other negative effects by smoking and to put in baccy control as a cardinal scheme for forestalling and cut downing societal disadvantage.Tailoring enterprises for deprived groupsThe purpose of the NTS is to guarantee easy entree to many intervention, information and services for people in extremely disadvantaged groups who suffer from many smoking related injury.Research, rating and monitoring & A ; surveillanceThe purpose of the NTS is to guarantee that research is conducted to measure the demands and place utile attacks and that appropriate systems are in topographic point to measure the cost-effectiveness of plans and policies and the extent to which these are being achieved. Harmonizing to the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotions, wellness publicity actions means Building Public wellness policies, Create supportive environments, Strengthen Community actions, develop personal accomplishments, Reorient Health service and traveling into the hereafter.Build Healthy Public PolicyHealth publicity policy combines attacks including financial steps, revenue enhancement statute law, and organisational alteration. Health publicity policy now requires the designation of obstructions to the acceptance of healthy public policies in non-health sectors, and ways of taking them. The purpose must be to do the healthier pick the easier pick for policy shapers every bit good ( Talbot and Verrinder, 2010, erectile dysfunction. 4, p.266 ) .Create Supportive EnvironmentsThe guiding rule for the universe, states, parts and communities likewise, is the demand to promote them to take attention of each other, our communities and our natural environment. The demand to conserve natu ral resources throughout the universe should turns into a planetary duty.Strengthen Community ActionsCommunity development needs bing stuff and human resources in the community to better societal support and to increase public engagement in wellness affairs. This will necessitate uninterrupted entree to more information and changeless support support.Develop Personal SkillsTeaching people to larn throughout their life, to fix them to manage populating with chronic unwellness and hurts is really of import. This has been maintained at place, school, work and in the community.Reorient Health ServicessHealth services will be required to encompass an expanded authorization which is really sensitive and respects cultural demands. This authorization will be required to back up the demands of different persons and communities for a more fitter life.Traveling into the FutureHealth is created by caring for oneself and others, by being able to take determinations and have control over one â₠¬Ëœs life fortunes, and by guaranting that the society one lives in creates conditions that allow the attainment of wellness by all its members ( Talbot and Verrinder, 2010, erectile dysfunction. 4, p.266 ) .Progress/ ImprovementsIn my sentiment, the National Tobacco Strategy 2004-2009 was a well designed plan but there are still countries in the plan that needs farther betterment. The effectivity of this plan is reflected on the consequences of the figure of baccy consumption in Australia since the plan started. The NTS 2004-2009, in relation to the Ottawa Charter for Health publicities has met the demands on what wellness publicity actions truly intend such as Building Healthy Public Policy and so on. The National Tobacco Strategy 2004-2009 has built on the accomplishments of the old National trust 1999 to 2003-04, Much has been achieved by the actions of the province and district authoritiess since the early 1980s and more than 30 old ages of candidacy by non-government bureaus b ut there is still the demand for farther betterments. It was merely until 15 old ages ago ; publicities of baccy merchandises were legion. Many immature people were invariably shown legion advertizements which portrayed smoke to be merriment and made you look sophisticated. Even though the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 ( CDHA 2003 ) has enormously reduced advertisement through the media, many makers still continue to advance their baccy merchandises through many popular locales such as dark nines. It was merely late that the act has been reviewed and many amendments have been proposed to greatly implement limitations on current and lifting signifiers of advertisement. Adding more financess on Quit Smoking runs would assist to promote more people to discontinue smoke. This will besides increase the gross revenues of many pharmaceutical companies by promoting people to utilize their merchandises that improve the rate of people who chose to discontinue smoke. Many behavioral support services such as the state quitline now operate in many province and district but will necessitate to hold increased support if it is to manage an increasing demand from referrals from wellness professionals ; it besides needs to increase publicity in the media. Even thought there are around 80,000 people who call the Quitline in 2003 ( Kriven S, 2003 ) , but this lone nowadays a little sum of Australian tobacco users but this would besides increase if it is promoted even more. Records of baccy excise responsibility payments suggest that baccy ingestion in Australia has fallen well over the past 30 old ages since the debut of baccy control policies Among big males, smoking prevalence dropped from 45 % in 1974 to around 27 % in the late ninetiess ; among females it fell from 30 % to 23 % ( Scollo, M VCTC ) . Smoking among secondary school pupils in Australia began to worsen in the late 1980s ; it increased once more in the early to mid-1990s and declined once more at the terminal of the last decennary. The smoke around non-smokers has besides dropped significantly, with more and more workplaces censoring smoke at work. Scollo M. Annual per capita ingestion in Australia, 1903 to 2001-02. VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control, Melbourne, 2003. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.vctc.org.au/tcres/PublicConsumptionEstimatesAus1901to2002.xls. Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act 1992 Issues Paper. Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, 2003. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.health.gov.au/pubhlth/strateg/drugs/tobacco/ consult/index.htm on August 2003. Th vitamin E Cancer Council Australia. Review of the Tobacco Advertising Prohibition Act: entry on behalf of Australian wellness administrations. 2003, Melbourne: VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control. Wakefi eld M, Freeman J, and Donovan R. Recall and response of tobacco users and recent quitters to the Australian National Tobacco Campaign. Tob Control. 2003 ; 12: ( Suppl 2 ) : II15-II22 Scollo M. Towards an Australian national policy for the intervention of dependance on tobacco-delivered nicotine. 2003, Melbourne: VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control. Kriven S. Estimate of calls to the Quitline, 2003, personal communicating. 2004, Tobacco Control Research and Evaluation: Adelaide.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Ride To This
Music Business Question 1. The music publishing industry at a glance would seem to be those who print sheet music, method books, lead sheets, and all of the texts or notated music that musicians (and those aspiring to be musicians) use. Years ago, this was what most music publishers did, but as the industry has evolved the process that become much more complex. Music is not just ink and paper, intellectual material and property to the individual who writes it. Therefore the song does not become â€Å"a song†when it is written down. This is not an easy concept to grasp because the song by itself has no physical makeup. A song could exist once it is played for the first time, and songs can even exist inside the mind of a songwriter. This concept is why the publishing business can be so complex; we are dealing with intellectual property. The heart of the music publishing business lies in the rights to the original music. After the music is successful enough to financially suppor t itself the music is printed in mass quantities in a variety of ways. This could be everything from guitar tabs to choral arrangements for a junior high choir. The publisher’s main source of income is through record royalties, performance royalties received from companies like the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI), and the Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) for performances of music copyrighted by the publisher. These royalties could be from many different types of performances but most are though radio and songs on television. The success of a songwriter lies in the greatly in the hands of his/her publisher. Normally we hear of a band’s success when they are â€Å"signed†with a record deal, but most record companies not only produce and promote an album, they also act as the publisher who, when contracted, owns the rights to the music. When a publisher own the song it is put i... Free Essays on Ride To This Free Essays on Ride To This Music Business Question 1. The music publishing industry at a glance would seem to be those who print sheet music, method books, lead sheets, and all of the texts or notated music that musicians (and those aspiring to be musicians) use. Years ago, this was what most music publishers did, but as the industry has evolved the process that become much more complex. Music is not just ink and paper, intellectual material and property to the individual who writes it. Therefore the song does not become â€Å"a song†when it is written down. This is not an easy concept to grasp because the song by itself has no physical makeup. A song could exist once it is played for the first time, and songs can even exist inside the mind of a songwriter. This concept is why the publishing business can be so complex; we are dealing with intellectual property. The heart of the music publishing business lies in the rights to the original music. After the music is successful enough to financially suppor t itself the music is printed in mass quantities in a variety of ways. This could be everything from guitar tabs to choral arrangements for a junior high choir. The publisher’s main source of income is through record royalties, performance royalties received from companies like the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI), and the Society of European Stage Authors and Composers (SESAC) for performances of music copyrighted by the publisher. These royalties could be from many different types of performances but most are though radio and songs on television. The success of a songwriter lies in the greatly in the hands of his/her publisher. Normally we hear of a band’s success when they are â€Å"signed†with a record deal, but most record companies not only produce and promote an album, they also act as the publisher who, when contracted, owns the rights to the music. When a publisher own the song it is put i...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Table of Contents Essays - Law, Government, Separation Of Powers
Table of Contents Essays - Law, Government, Separation Of Powers Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Separation of Powers: A Comparative Analysis of the Doctrine in India, United States of America and England. PAGEREF _Toc478900775 \h 1 INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc478900776 \h 2 Meaning PAGEREF _Toc478900777 \h 2 ORIGIN PAGEREF _Toc478900778 \h 2 SEPARATION OF POWERS IN INDIA PAGEREF _Toc478900779 \h 4 Constitutional Provisions PAGEREF _Toc478900780 \h 5 Judicial Opinion of the Doctrine of Separation of Powers PAGEREF _Toc478900781 \h 6 SEPARATION OF POWERS IN USA PAGEREF _Toc478900782 \h 8 Presidential Form of Government PAGEREF _Toc478900783 \h 9 Principle of Checks and Balances PAGEREF _Toc478900784 \h 10 Administrative Growthand Separation of Powers PAGEREF _Toc478900785 \h 10 Delegated Legislation PAGEREF _Toc478900786 \h 11 SEPARATION OF POWERS IN ENGLAND PAGEREF _Toc478900787 \h 11 CONCLUSION PAGEREF _Toc478900788 \h 13 ENDNOTES PAGEREF _Toc478900789 \h 14 Separation of Powers: A Compa rative Analysis of the Doctrine in India, United States of America and England. Abstract: The doctrine of separation of powers is essentially what fortifies the three pillars of democracy. Without such ademarcation, the point of such offices and such pillars is redundant, and the nation might as well be a dictatorial state, with all three pillars working in collusion. This assignment comparesthe doctrine ofseparationof powers in India, the U.S.A. and England, and the reiteration of this demarcation in the three nations by the judiciary. INTRODUCTION Meaning The doctrine of Separation of Powers emphasizes the mutual exclusiveness of the three organs of government, viz., legislature, executive and judiciary. The main underlying idea is that each of these organs should exercise only one type of function. There should not be concentration of all the functions in one organ otherwise it will pose a threat to personal freedom, for; in that case, it could act in an arbitrary manner. It could enact a tyrannical law, execute it in a despotic manner and interpret it in an arbitrary manner without any external control. The purpose underlying separation doctrine is to diffuse governmental authority so as to prevent absolutism and guard against tyrannical and arbitrary powers of the state, and to allocate each function to the institution best suited to discharge it. The rationale underlying the doctrine that been that if all power is concentrated in one and the same organ, there would rise the danger of state absolutism endangering the freed om of the people. However, it needs to be appreciated that in considering this doctrine, we have moved from the discipline of law to that of political theory. The separation of powers is a doctrine not a legal principle. HYPERLINK "https://www.lawctopus.com/academike/separation-of-powers-a-comparative-analysis-of-the-doctrine-india-united-states-of-america-and-england/" \l "_edn1" [ i ] ORIGIN There is an old adage containing a lot of truth that "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" . To evolve effective control mechanism, man had been looking for devices to contain the forces of tyranny and authoritarianism. "Separation of Powers" was conceived to be one such device. It may not be possible to state precisely the origins of the doctrine of separation of powers. However, if we look to the writings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle , it is possible to discern a rudimentary separation of powers doctrine. Thus in his Politics, Aristotle remarked that: There are three elements in each constitution in respect of which every serious lawgiver must look for what is advantageous to it; if these are well arranged, the constitution is bound to be well arranged, and the differences in constitutions are bound to correspond to the differences between each of these three elements. The three are, first the deliberative, which discusses everything of common importance; second, the officials . . .; and third, the judicial element. The English political theorist, JohnLocke (1632-1704), also envisaged a threefold classification of powers. Writing in The Second Treatise of Government (1689), Locke drew a distinction between three types of power: legislative, executive and federative. . In Locke's analysis, the legislative power was supreme and although the executive and federative powers were distinct, the one concerned with the execution of domestic law within the state and the other with a state's security and external relations, he nevertheless took the view that they are always almost united' in the hands of the same persons. Absent from his classification is any mention of a separate judicial power. Moreover, the proper exercise of these powers is
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Business Skills Evaluation of Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Skills Evaluation of Sources - Essay Example The sources serve as a means of backing up whatever conclusion (on the topic at hand) that the researcher has come to in the study they are involved in(Gorard, 2013). This means that if the source for example, contains false information then the argument that had been brought forth in the research will be declared invalid as the support structures used to stand the subject matter can no longer be considered stable. This can be considered to be the most important factor that needs to be determined when attempting to evaluate the value of the sources used. Accuracy has to do with the truthfulness of the information provided from that particular source and how exact it is to the actual reality(Gorard, 2013). It should be noted that in some cases the accuracy of some sources cannot be measured to a tee but a certain level is still required to classify it as accurate information. Within the topic of accuracy come other factors that lie beneath this main subject and determine whether the source is accurate or not. These factors include issues such as how recent the information provided is and issues such as the methods that were used to collect, store and pass on the information. The Accuracy of the sources provided can be considered to be high as a result of the where they come from. The information provided in the books, have been brought about by professionals who are aware of what they are talking about and more importantly, have used established information to put their points across(Gorard, 2013). The sources can also be considered to be accurate via the publication dates of the literature that was used. The more recent the publication, the more recent the information and thus the less likely it is for the information provided in that particular work to have been rendered obsolete or have undergone renovations as a
Friday, November 1, 2019
Research paper comparison between Belize and United States
Comparison between Belize and United States - Research Paper Example That fact explains why the Spanish tongue is spoken by the native people. Interestingly though, it is the only Central American country that has English as its official language. (Belize. Wikipedia. [internet]) The relations between Belize and the United States are more on mutual cooperation covering domestic problems such as crime and police concerns. At one point, a child molester was arrested in Belize after his picture was shown in the Oprah Winfrey show. (ACCUSED CHILD PREDATORS CAUGHT. Thanks to "Oprah" Television Viewers. October 19, 2005. Headline Archives. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. [internet].). There are not much about high level talks between the two although it is quite known that both countries are cordially close with each other. Belize citizens who have migrated to the United States are now relatively big in number, about seventy thousand. On the trade and commerce front, the United States is the most important business partner of Belize. Aside from that, there are a lot of fund investments coming from the Americans which are placed in Belize. Superficially, there appears no other significant factor or reason for a serious bonding between the two countries. Going deeper, however, will come up with something that may possibly suggest for a more coordinated and more synchronized inter-relation and inter-action between these governments. The areas that need to focus on are drugs and terrorism which may seem petty in the Belize home base but which can blow up in unmanageable proportions at some unexpected time. These worries are becoming hot issues. In one account, organized crimes executions and drug trafficking have been rising in trends. (Belize Murder Rate Skyrockets. Drugs, Gangs And Organized Crime. February 17, 2008. CruiseBruise. [internet]). In several cases, the use of cruise ship connections is evident, the latter being explained by the attractive tourism industry of Belize. The drug menace is clearly becoming a growing
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