Write A Topic Suitable For A Narrative Essay Based On The Concept University
Friday, December 27, 2019
The Biggest Problem Facing America - 1445 Words
Introduction America faces a plethora of problems and issues on a daily basis. Lets face it, though many view us as superior to all other countries, we, as a nation, are far from a utopia. Because of our supremacy and power, we probably deal with more issues than any other country in the world. But, judging the importance of these issues is simply a matter of opinion. One can argue valid points for multiple issues as being the most important of all. In my opinion, third world immigration and the affects it has on America is the most important problem we face. Third world immigration into the United States of America has boosted poverty levels, put millions of Americans out of work, contributed to over 25 percent of the federal prison†¦show more content†¦Labor Market Third World immigration into the U.S. has not produced a highly skilled labor force, as the above statistics show. Instead, the U.S. labor pool has become flooded with low level, menial laborers, whose desperation for work o f any sort has undercut the wages paid at the lower end of the labor market, which in turn made it more difficult for native born American citizens to escape poverty. An estimated 1,880,000 American workers are displaced from their jobs every year by immigration. The cost for providing welfare and assistance to these Americans is over $15 billion a year. (Associated Press, 1997) Third World Immigration and Prison The Citizenship USA project, pushed by the White House in 1996 to expedite admission of 1.3 million aliens, allowed as many as 130,000 criminals into the U.S. from Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean. It is almost unfathomable that all these criminals who could be rapist, murderers, child abusers, or robbers were allowed in. The U.S. already has enough crime, so much that our prisons are basically bursting at the seams with low lives. Third World immigration just adds to that already overpopulated population. They account for more than 25 percent of all inmates in federal prisons and are the fastest growing segment of the prison population. Upkeep for each prisoner costs taxpayers $21,300 per year. (New York Times, 2001) 80 percent of cocaine and 50 percent of heroin in the U.S. isShow MoreRelatedIssues Facing America737 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Issues facing America America is among the super powers in the world but this does not prevent it from having problems. Just like other Nations America struggles with some issues. The list of the problems is endless however there are some issues that are of importance as compared to others. Therefore these issues should be recognized and addressed as such. Among these issues are; the upward transfer of wealth. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Horn Of Plenty by Alexander McQueen - 594 Words
Introduction â€Å" I think there is beauty in everything. What normal people would perceive as ugly, I can usually see something of beauty in it. People find my things sometimes aggressive. But I don’t see it as aggressive. I see it as romantic, dealing with a dark side of personality †said Alexander McQueen†If I am not attracted to something, it must be too â€Å"savage†such as aggressive art, wild fashion or ignorant people. The main reason is I dont see anything fancy about it, I do not expect beauty in savage life, but Natalie Shau and Alexander McQueen has completely changed my thought. McQueen show the beauty of imperfection through his garments which always has a wow-factor and shock his audience including myself. However, Shau creates surrealistic strange creatures who is aggressive and lives in the dark abandoned place, but her creature still looks more glamorously beautiful than those models on Vogue magazine cover. What attracted me the most is the way they both dress up their lady with surrealistic garment and iconic headpiece. They share similar style and represent it through their own unusual form of art. Whenever I am admiring their masterpiece,There is always more than one adjectives that could impeccably describe it pops up in my head ; darkness, heart broken ironic. Sometimes Their art could be fragile and powerful or ugly and beautiful at the same time and I hardly see any artist that could depict two opposite subject in one piece . I am going to explore
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Structure and Functions of SFDA and Ministry of Agriculture
Question: Discuss about the Structure and Functions of SFDA and Ministry of Agriculture. Answer: Introduction: The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA) regulates the production, import and export of agricultural (pesticides, herbicides, insecticides) and veterinary (medicines, antibiotics) chemical products in Australia. To use an agvet (agricultural or veterinary) chemical product in Australia the same has to be registered with the regulatory body of the government ("APVMA basics" 2016). The aim of this essay is to identify the Saudi Arabian equivalent of APVMA and discuss the structure and function of the governing bodies. The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) and The Ministry of Agriculture are of utmost relevance in this regard. The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) is currently responsible for the regulation of both human and animal drugs and medicines in Saudi Arabia (SFDA 2016). The ministry of Agriculture partly regulates pesticides and veterinary medicines and services. This essay therefore aims to analyze the structure and functions of SFDA and minis try of agriculture, its role and effectiveness in achieving its objectives. The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) is an independent body corporate which was established in the year 2003 under the resolution of the council of ministers No. one (1), dated 7/1/1424 H (SFDA, 2016). SFDAs core objective and function is to undertake regulation and management of both food and drugs for both animal and human consumption. According to Alsager et., al (2015), previously, the responsibilities of registering pharmaceutical bodies, regulating and managing drugs were being undertaken by the Ministry of Health (MoH), in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the ministry was charged with the responsibility of distribution and sale of drugs and medicines after being approved by the American Food Drug Association (FDA) (SFDA, 2016). SFDA is structured according to the rules and regulations governing state bodies in Saudi Arabia. Its structure of governance is that, it is headed by the Chef Executive Officer (Hashan et al., 2015). As stipulated in the structure shown below, SFDA reports to the executive president. Fig 1: Structure of SFDA The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), is mandated with a couple of other responsibilities and functions which include ensuring the availability and safety of drugs and pesticides before use or consumption by both humans and animals (Jadi 2016); to ensure the safety of chemicals, biological products and pesticides, to undertake monitoring and close observation of chemicals, pesticides and contaminants to access their suitability for consumption by both animals and humans (Jadi 2016); creating awareness to the general public on the safety of both drugs and pesticides in Saudi Arabia; undertaking risk assessment of both locally available and imported drugs and pesticides in Saudi Arabia (Jadi 2016) and finally formulating rules and regulations governing the import and packaging of drugs and pesticides in Saudi Arabia (Jadi 2016). Because of the presence of different agencies responsible with regulations and management of chemicals in Saudi Arabia, there has been absence of effective rules and regulations controlling pesticide. SFDA has a duty and mandate to control chemicals used by both humans and animals, consequently making it ineffective in achieving its mandate. According to Hashan et al., (2015), the queuing system has been poor in terms of service delivery, taking around 340 working days before clearance in the year 2011 to around 372 working days in the year 2013 (Ibrahim 2010). Saudi Arabia government should establish a different body that deals specifically with chemicals and veterinary medicine, other than the present body in operation that combines both drugs for human consumption with veterinary medicine meant for animals. So ideally, SFDA hasnt been able to effectively deliver on its mandate due to its inability to meet deadlines and comprehensively manage both human and animal chemicals (Ibrahi m 2010). Ministry of Agriculture The ministry of Agriculture was introduced in the times where there was a necessity of the Saudi government to manage its agricultural activities. Therefore the ministry of Agriculture is as old as the Saudi Arabia government itself (Ibrahim 2010). The King appoints the minister in charge of Agriculture to oversee all functions related to the ministry. Ideally, the ministry of Agriculture was called the ministry of water, but was later dissolved and remained ministry of water, environment and Agriculture. However, its functions of managing veterinary medicine were amended later due to necessity to achieve high productivity (Ibrahim 2010). The ministry of Agriculture is headed by the Agriculture Minister who is normally appointed by the King to serve according to the guidance of the constitution. The council of ministers are appointed by the king and are to serve for a stipulated period of time. However, research institutions found within the ministry structure are the ones mandated with the responsibility of accessing the risk associated with usability of pesticides and other veterinary medicines (Ibrahim 2010). For instance, under the ministry, there are food control laboratories and other research institutions who undertake risk assessment for pesticides and other chemicals and advice the ministry accordingly. Fig 2: Structure of Ministry of Agriculture The ministry of Agriculture in Saudi Arabia, being part of the government, is tasked with quite a number of responsibilities relating to the regulation of agricultural products and implementation of policies that foster food security and regulation of veterinary medicine (Ibrahim 2010). The ministry of Agriculture is part of the government and is bound by the constitution governing the land. In Saudi Arabia, the system of governance of ministries is in line with the ruling government, which is tasked with the responsibility of aligning the management of the ministry. The ministry of Agriculture in Saudi Arabia has a role and function of implementing government plans besides undertaking programs meant to safeguard Agriculture and both human and animal health in the Arab kingdom (Elhadj 2006). Therefore, in order to foster food security and to offer protection to both plants, animal and human health, the ministry of Agriculture has been mandated to control and manage licenses for ferti lizer, pesticides and other veterinary drugs and vaccines (Elhadj 2006). In Saudi Arabia, therefore, the ministry of Agriculture has a part to play in regulation and management of pesticides and veterinary medicine ad vaccines (Hassan et al. 2013). The ministry of Agriculture, besides formulating and implementing policies meant to cab food insecurity in Saudi Arabia, is also tasked with a number of other responsibilities which include importation of licenses for various goods ranging from fertilizers, pesticides, biological substance to veterinary medicines (Hassan et al. 2013), monitoring and control of chemicals and other vaccines (however, the ministry of Agriculture approves the sale of vaccines and chemicals subject to the approval of the ministry of health.), the management of animal resources, management of fisheries and control of locust. In order to effectively manage animal resources and control locusts, the ministry needs to use chemicals and pesticides that have been approved by the ministry of health (AVMA 2013). It also institute forums that are meant to create awareness to the members of the public regarding the use of pesticides and how to identify genuine pesticides and chemicals circulating in the market (Ibra him 2010). It also assessess the risk exposure of both locally available and imported drugs in Saudi Arabia. The ministry of Agriculture has a sole purpose of implementing economic policies meant to safeguard the countrys food security (Kajenthira et al. 2015). The ministry of Agriculture in Saudi Arabia has different divisions within it, with each division working towards the achievement of the ministries objectives. Therefore, because of the various sub-divisions found within the ministry, the ministry has not been very successful in control and management of pesticides in Saudi Arabia. This is because its core mandates it to implement economic policies meant to contain food insecurity in the kingdom ("Ministry of Agriculture - SAMIRAD (Saudi Arabia Market Information Resource)" 2016). The ministry of Agriculture in Saudi Arabia has many functions, making the role of controlling pesticides a subsidiary role. Both SFDA and the ministry of Agriculture reports directly to the council of ministers who are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that ministries work according to the provisions of the constitution governing the kingdom (Ibrahim 2010). Regulatory bodies vary from government to government, with variations too in terms of formation, functions, mandates and reporting. SFDA of Saudi Arabia and AVPMA of Australia both have different functions and different levels of effectiveness. Similarly, their formations and functional structures do differ. Saudi Arabia kingdom doesnt have a clear statutory body that controls pesticides and veterinary medicine because of the presence of varied agencies and government bodies (Ibrahim 2010). In order therefore to effectively manage the control and management of pesticides and veterinary medicine, the Saudi Arabia kingdom should establish a body that solely deals with the control and regular management of pesticides and veterinary medicine. In conclusion therefore, though SFDA and the ministry of Agriculture have tried to control pesticides and veterinary services, they have not been effective as it should have been if a different body was solely mandated to undertake the task (Ibrahim 2010). References Alsager, S., Hashan, H and Walker, S 2015, The Saudi food and drug authority: Shaping the regulatory environment in the gulf region,Pharmaceutical Medicine, 29(2), pp. 93103. American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) 2013,AVMA guidelines for the euthanasia of animals: 2013 edition, Schaumburg, IL: American Veterinary Medical Association. Retrieved from https://www.avma.org/KB/Policies/Documents/euthanasia.pdf APVMA basics. (2016). Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority. Retrieved 21 September 2016, from https://apvma.gov.au/node/15866 Elhadj, E 2006,Experiments in achieving water and food self-sufficiency in the Middle East: The consequences of contrasting endowments, ideologies, and investment policies in Saudi Arabia and Syria, United States, Dissertation.Com. Hashan, H., Aljuffali, I., Patel, P and Walker, S 2015, The Saudi Arabia food and drug authority: An evaluation of the registration process and good review practices in Saudi Arabia in comparison with Australia, Canada and Singapore,Pharmaceutical Medicine, 30(1), pp. 3747. Hassan, A.A., Abdullah, S.M., Khardali, I.A., Shaikhain, G.A. and Oraiby, M 2013, Evaluation of pesticides multiresidue contamination of khat leaves from Jazan region, Kingdome Saudi Arabia, using solid-phase extraction gas chromatography/mass spectrometry,Toxicological Environmental Chemistry, 95(9), pp. 14771483. Ibrahim, S 2010, Foods Safety System in Suadi Arabia (SA). Available at: https://www.rr-middleeast.oie.int/download/pdf/koweit%20pres%20countries/KSA_FoodSafety_OIETraining_Kuwait.pdf (Accessed: 11 September 2016). Jadi, A 2016, Enhancing the monitoring system of SFDA in Saudi markets,International Journal of Software Engineering Applications, 7(4), pp. 3145. Kajenthira, Grindle, A., Siddiqi, A and Anadon, L.D 2015, Food security amidst water scarcity: Insights on sustainable food production from Saudi Arabia,Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2, pp. 6778. Ministry of Agriculture - SAMIRAD (Saudi Arabia Market Information Resource). (2016). Saudinf.com. Retrieved 21 September 2016, from https://www.saudinf.com/main/c6a.htm SFDA 2016, About SFDA. Available at: https://www.sfda.gov.sa/en/about/Pages/overview.aspx (Accessed: 8 September 2016).
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Jesus And The Kingdom Of God Essays - Prophets Of Islam,
Jesus And The Kingdom Of God The Gospel of Thomas is unlike any other scripture written about Jesus. It is a collection of Jesus' secret sayings that only someone who actually knew him, like his twin, would be able to recount. Jesus, in the Gospel of Thomas, is a teacher that points his followers in the direction of the Kingdom of Heaven. He explains that the kingdom is a place with no poverty, where all is revealed and that it is already inside and around them but they must learn how to find it. The Kingdom of Heaven, according to Thomas' Jesus, is within each one of us. This concept of god and the kingdom being a part of everyone is a common theme throughout the Bible (Lk 17:21). In the third saying, Jesus tells his followers that the way to gain access to this Kingdom inside us is to learn about ourselves. The knowledge that we came from the Kingdom (GTh 49), that we are sons of the living father (GTh 3), and that are human bodies and lives are not worth anything (GTh 87) are the keys to the Kingdom. If we do not know ourselves then we will not enter the kingdom and we will be in poverty forever (GTh 3). He also says that once we get back into the Kingdom there is nothing that we will not understand (GTh 6b). The Kingdom of Heaven is like Adam's paradise in Eden. Jesus said that, ?whoever among you shall become as a child shall know the Kingdom? (GTh 46). Eden was a place of innocence and to become like a child would be to become innocent. In saying 37, the disciples ask when he will be revealed to them and he answers when they can be naked without shame and jump on their clothes like children. This is not unlike Adam and Eve innocent, child-like, and undressed in Eden. Jesus explains that the Kingdom of the Father is a treasure that lasts forever. He describes it as a pearl that a merchant found and did all he could do to buy it so that he could cherish it for the rest of his life (GTh 76). Jesus tells another parable in which the Kingdom is a treasure buried in a father's farm and he and his son never find it but the next man that owns the farm finds it (GTh 109). The first two men never found the Kingdom of Heaven because they did not look within their own land or themselves but the third man does a little digging and finds this eternal treasure. He who searches, will find?it will open to him (GTh 94). In most stories about the Kingdom of Heaven, there is a sense that it will happen in the future but, in this Gospel, Jesus gives of the impression that the Kingdom is here now. He said, What you look for has come, but you do not know it (GTh 51). He tells us that the kingdom is already here but because we do not have knowledge we just do not see it (GTh 113). He explains that the end is where the beginning is (GTh 18). It is almost as if the future and past are combined and that time is irrelevant. The kingdom will happen for us when we know ourselves. However, there is a contraction because saying 57 gives us the idea that there will be a final judgment day. In this saying, the Kingdom is like a man who plants good seed but another man puts bad seed in with the good seed. The first man does not pull out the weeds until harvest day because he is afraid that he will pick out the good plant on accident. On harvest day, it will be obvious which are which and the weeds will the burned. Jesus' role in the Gospel of Thomas is to lead his followers to the Kingdom. He tells them parables that they must understand and follow in order to get into the Kingdom (GTh 82). He tells them that heaven is inside them (GTh 3) and spread out upon the earth (GTh 113). He also teaches that if we look
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