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Friday, December 27, 2019
The Biggest Problem Facing America - 1445 Words
Introduction America faces a plethora of problems and issues on a daily basis. Lets face it, though many view us as superior to all other countries, we, as a nation, are far from a utopia. Because of our supremacy and power, we probably deal with more issues than any other country in the world. But, judging the importance of these issues is simply a matter of opinion. One can argue valid points for multiple issues as being the most important of all. In my opinion, third world immigration and the affects it has on America is the most important problem we face. Third world immigration into the United States of America has boosted poverty levels, put millions of Americans out of work, contributed to over 25 percent of the federal prison†¦show more content†¦Labor Market Third World immigration into the U.S. has not produced a highly skilled labor force, as the above statistics show. Instead, the U.S. labor pool has become flooded with low level, menial laborers, whose desperation for work o f any sort has undercut the wages paid at the lower end of the labor market, which in turn made it more difficult for native born American citizens to escape poverty. An estimated 1,880,000 American workers are displaced from their jobs every year by immigration. The cost for providing welfare and assistance to these Americans is over $15 billion a year. (Associated Press, 1997) Third World Immigration and Prison The Citizenship USA project, pushed by the White House in 1996 to expedite admission of 1.3 million aliens, allowed as many as 130,000 criminals into the U.S. from Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean. It is almost unfathomable that all these criminals who could be rapist, murderers, child abusers, or robbers were allowed in. The U.S. already has enough crime, so much that our prisons are basically bursting at the seams with low lives. Third World immigration just adds to that already overpopulated population. They account for more than 25 percent of all inmates in federal prisons and are the fastest growing segment of the prison population. Upkeep for each prisoner costs taxpayers $21,300 per year. (New York Times, 2001) 80 percent of cocaine and 50 percent of heroin in the U.S. isShow MoreRelatedIssues Facing America737 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Issues facing America America is among the super powers in the world but this does not prevent it from having problems. Just like other Nations America struggles with some issues. The list of the problems is endless however there are some issues that are of importance as compared to others. Therefore these issues should be recognized and addressed as such. Among these issues are; the upward transfer of wealth. 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