Write A Topic Suitable For A Narrative Essay Based On The Concept University
Monday, May 25, 2020
Physical Therapy For The Medical Field - 1208 Words
Physical Therapist Core Virtues A soldier that looses a limb in battle, an athlete who breaks an bone or tears a muscle during practice or a game, a child born with a deformity that causes trouble for one’s body, and a police officer that has been shot and injured in the line of duty, are all that have one thing in common. Each of these different situations and many others activities require a Doctor of Physical Therapy in order recover. Physical Therapists help the elderly, adults, teens, and children to recover from their previous injury problems. People should follow the consequentialist view in any career field that they decide to pursue. Physical therapist need to have certain habits to succeed in the medical field. If they do not have these certain habits they will not be as successful as the one’s that do have these habits. Therefore, there are certain traits I believe a physical therapist needs to have, which is the ability to give encouragement, to be very kno wledgeable, and have patience, and be personable in order to be successful in the job field. Ultimately, the main characteristic a physical therapist has to have is the ability to encourage their patients. Physical therapists know hot to accentuate the positive and redirect any negativity that the patient might have during their weeks of recovery. Physical therapists need to focus on what is working and improving, since the recovery will probably be difficult at times. In addition, believing in the patientsShow MoreRelatedPhysical Therapy And The Medical Field1624 Words  | 7 Pagesstand painlessly without the assistance of a licensed medical professional. Whether you were born with a debilitating medical condition or a physical disability occurred due to an accident or aging, there is someone that can help treat these conditions. Physical Therapists! Physical Therapy is a very rewarding and vital profession in the medical field. The average of all occupations is 11%; According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, Physical Therapy’s projected job outlook in the year s 2012-2022Read MorePhysical Therapy And The Medical Field1694 Words  | 7 PagesI became interested in physical therapy very recently, last week exactly. I became interested in physical therapy when I was researching it in class for a lame project my annoying teacher made me do. Even though my dad and all but one of his brothers are in the medical field, I didn’t really know too many details about working in the medical field. I always thought it was just too much school and didn’t give enough down time. After researching it I became more interested because it is a very intermediateRead MorePhysical Therapy For The Medical Field1237 Words  | 5 Pagesactivities require a Doctor of Physical Therapy in order to treat their complication. Being a Physical Therapists is a job that will always be needed; there will always be people that need help regaining their physical health. It is all about helping people ranging in all ages from the elderly, adults, teens, and children who have problems with their body, muscles and joints. People should follow the consequentialist view in any career field that they decide to pursue. Physical therapist need to have certainRead MorePhysical Therapy Case Study944 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE), a residency is a â€Å"post-professional program meant to train physical therapists in a specialty area†(American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education, 2017b). The ABPTRFE currently recognizes nine specialty areas within the field of physical therapy, and there have been residency programs created in each of the nine recognized specialty areas (American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, 2017)Read MoreDiagnostic Medical Sonographer vs. Physical Therapist1422 Words  | 6 PagesDiagnostic Medical Sonographer vs. Physical Therapist Miami Dade College Professor SLS 1125 December 1st, 2010 Job Description The Diagnostic Sonography more commonly known as Ultrasound is a medical procedure in which you use high frequency sound waves to produce visual images of organs tissues or blood flow inside the body. Ultrasound is regularly known as the procedure used to examine women who are expecting. Although, Sonography is used in many different ways other than for expectantRead MorePhysical And Occupational Therapists Help Improve Someone s Life1610 Words  | 7 Pages Physical and occupational therapists have the opportunity to improve someone’s life. Even though both jobs are improving someone’s life, they treat each patient’s individual problems differently and with various techniques. Physical and occupational therapists do not only need to know how to treat the patient’s problem, but they need to be able to work around schedules and understand the problems the patient is facing. Both jobs need to be able to relate to the patient on a personal level makingRead MoreBecoming A Physical Therapist For Doctors And Physicians1676 Words  | 7 PagesWithin our homes, schools, and community, there are many different fields of medicine to accommodate for the accelerating demand for doctors and physicians. With so many fields and concentrations of medicine, different schools have emerge to keep up with the demand. Now, not only are there primary care physicians, but also fields such as pediatrics and physical therapy. Since entering college, I have always had an internal debate and frustration on what I wanted to do and who I wanted to become andRead MorePhysical Therapy Assistant Essay760 Words  | 4 Pages The medical field is expanding ever so rapidly in today’s society. In the field of Physical Therapy one needs to have the understanding of how the human body works and the injuries one body could sustain. I have chosen a career to help others to battle back from life-changing injuries or surgeries. I will take the first step of joining the medical field by obtaining a physical therapist associates degree. I will become a Physical Therapist Assistant. Career Description Physical Therapy AssistantsRead MoreWhat Field Of Physical Therapy1724 Words  | 7 PagesIntro to PT Paper There are many areas, settings in Physical therapy .Such as Pediatrics, acute care, aquatics, geriatrics, education, oncology and so much more. I will be explaining what field of physical therapy that I strongly feel of pursuing and my least favorite field. Then I will give my whys and why nots feedback for each field that I talk about. In the area of acute care, physical therapy is provided to patients who are admitted to a hospital for a short-term period of time. They can beRead MoreThe Effects Of Physical Therapists On The Medical Field1706 Words  | 7 PagesAn abundance of physical therapists will continue to be needed in the medical field because of the continuous rate of injuries. Physical therapists treat injury or medical problems that limit a patient’s ability to function in everyday life. Physical therapist treat patients of all ages and promote interactions with patients, family, caregivers and other health professionals. Most people have been through physical therapy or will go through physical therapy sometime in their lives. Participating
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Sociological World Functionalism, Conflict Theory,...
Sociology is the study of groups of individuals within societies and the interactions involved. These studies are performed on micro and macro levels, studying the cultures and patterns of people (Keirns et al., 2015, p. 6). Sociologists use sociological imagination, a term created by C. Wright Mills, to describe cultures by acknowledging their own life experiences and assigning that to the circumstances around them (Mills, 1959). There are three main theoretical perspectives in the sociological world: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Functionalist â€Å"see society as a structure of interrelated parts designed to meet the biological and social needs of the individuals in that society†(Keirns et al., 2015, p.15). Conflict theorists see society â€Å"as a competition for limited resources†(Keirns et al., 2015, p. 16), while symbolic interactionist focus on the relationships among individuals within society (Keirns et al., 2015, p. 18). Socio logy focuses on how a society functions and how each individual fits within that society utilizing the scientific methods as a basis for research. In societies there are cultures, which are beliefs and values shared and practiced by a group of individuals. There are multiple cultures throughout the world with unique differences within them. In order to appreciate other cultures, sociologist use culture relativism which involves analyzing another culture without the bias of your own culture (Keirns et al., 2015, p.55).Show MoreRelatedStructural Functionalism And Conflict Theory972 Words  | 4 PagesThe sociological perspective is a way of looking at the world through a â€Å"sociological lens†. In order to best use the sociological perspective, it is important to use a â€Å"beginner’s mind†, which is essentially seeing things in a new light and leaving behind all preconceptions. The macro level of the social world examines large-scale social structures, whil e the micro level of the social world involves face-to-face and small-group interactions. Both macrosociology and microsociology attempt to betterRead MoreSociology : A Sociological Perspective896 Words  | 4 Pagesogy/). Sociology is science practiced by everyone in the world, whether they realize it or not. It is not only an incredibly important social science but also a beautiful art to study how society works. Now, an educated sociologist will realize that there are different perspective to view the world through from a sociological perspective. There are three specific views: Structural Functionalist, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism. Each has valid points of view, and not completely exclusiveRead MoreSociological Theories and Family Essay examples1662 Words  | 7 PagesSociological Theories and Family Sociological Theories and Family Sociological theories are important in understanding how the society operates. In addition, the theories help one understand how people in society relate with each other. The theories have helped understand various social issues in the society and made it easy to develop solutions to the problems. There are different theories that are used to explain how the society operates and how people interact with each other. Examples ofRead MoreSociology Essay1116 Words  | 5 Pagesindividual characteristics, but by our place in the social world.†Sociology should be studied using sociological imagination, â€Å"the ability to look beyond the individual as the cause for success and failure (micro, small scale) and see how one’s society influences the outcome (macro, large scale).†Developing a sociological imagination, American sociologists C. Wright Mills (1916-1962) says, â€Å"helps you understand your place in a complex world.†Furthermore, he adds that, â€Å"we must grasp both the historyRead MoreMajor Theoretical Sociological Perspectives: Similarities and Differences1507 Words  | 7 Pagesregards to social issues? They are Symbolic Interactionism perspectives, Functionalism perspectives, and Conflict Theory perspectives. These perspectives offer sociologists abstract examples for explaining how society affects people, and vice versa. Each perspective individually theorizes society, social forces, and human behavior. Keyword’s: Social Issues, Human Behavior Introduction This paper will explain the three known theoretical sociological perspectives in science today;Read MoreStructural Functionalism : A Sociological Perspective1096 Words  | 5 Pagesis sometimes called the sociological perspective (Ballantine Roberts, 2007). Many different people view the world differently; either as structural functionalism, conflict theory, or symbolic interactionism. Each one of these refer to the world inversely. Some view the world as situations just work out, or it is continuously in conflict, or the world is just primarily a place where people have relationships. Structural functionalism best describes the view of the world and varies roles that areRead MoreAnalysis of the Sociological Theories1282 Words  | 5 PagesThe four sociological theories are (1) Functionalisms, (2) Conflict Theory, (3) Symbolic Interaction and (4) rational choice. Functionalism believes that each part of society works in its own way and that the whole is interrelated so that one feeds into the other and the whole works together harmoniously as a unit. The government, for instance, provides education and libraries for its citizens and citizens, in turn, pay taxes to the government so that the whole country profits. Schools provide educationRead MoreSoc/100 - Applying Sociological Perspectives1063 Words  | 5 Pages Applying Sociological Perspectives Stephanie Ann Tombline SOC/100 May 30, 2016 Jennifer Hudgins Applying Sociological Perspectives Social networking sites - such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and, Pinterest, just to name a few - provide individuals with an online web of global networking that allows maintaining social ties with one another. Sociologists often ponder, How do these social websites impact society? Above all, this is the question that is the central focus shared byRead MoreSociological Perspectives On Social Networking Sites916 Words  | 4 PagesApplying Sociological Perspectives Social networking sites - such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and, Pinterest, just to name a few - provide individuals with an online web of global networking that allows maintaining social ties with one another. Sociologists often ponder, How do these social websites impact society? Above all, this is the question that is the central focus shared by all three of the primary sociological perspectives (Structural Functionalism, Conflict TheoryRead MoreCritical Theory, Functionalism And Symbolic Interactionism Essay1351 Words  | 6 Pagesthree major theories; critical theory, functionalism and symbolic interactionism. These theories express the structure of society in which each theory looks at a different aspects of sociology. Sociologists apply these theories in the study of society, but it becomes difficult if only one theory is applied. For that one applied theory, would only look at the aspect to which it is confined to. To successfully study sociology all three theories must be applied together. Critical theory was founded
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hamlet s Emotional Journey - 1129 Words
Hamlet’s emotional journey draws audiences in, and compels them (us) to sympathize with him during his plight. Working title: Metamorphosis What is a soliloquy? A soliloquy is an instance of talking to or conversing with oneself, or of uttering one’s thoughts aloud without addressing any person (speech to the audience) Shakespeare’s effective use of soliloquies reveal the protagonist, Hamlet’s most personal inner thoughts and struggles Hamlet – a complex character; analytical (looks at situations from all angles)/reflective/contemplative/intelligent Thesis: In the famous revenge tragedy â€Å"Hamlet†by William Shakespeare, soliloquies (insert part of definition)------------------- These series of soliloquies - progression of Hamlet’s†¦show more content†¦Or that the Almighty hadn’t made a law forbidding suicide. Oh God! God! How weary, stale, flat and useless everything about life seemed! He moaned. It was terrible. The whole world was like an unweeded garden that had gone to seed – only ugly disgusting things thrived. He couldn’t believe what had happened. Only two months dead; no, not even two. Such an excellent king he had been, compared with this one. It was like Hyperion, the sun god, compared to a lecherous satyr. He’d been so loving to his mother that he wouldn’t even allow the gentle breeze of heaven to blow too roughly on her face. He lifted his hands and blocked his ears as though to shut his father’s memory out. She had loved him so much, adored him, as though the more she had of him the more she wanted him. And yet, within a month! He couldn’t bear to think about it. Women were so inc onsistent! Only a month, even before the shoes with which she had followed his father’s body were old, all flowing with tears, she, even she†¦ Oh God! Even an animal that doesn’t have reason, would have mourned longer – ..she married his uncle! His father’s brother, but no more like his father than he was like Hercules. Even before the salt of those hypocritical tears had left her swollen eyes, she married. Oh, most wicked speed, to hurry so enthusiastically to incestuous sheets! It couldn’t end happily. But he would justShow MoreRelatedMind and Hamlet1132 Words  | 5 Pagesadmirable text does not define or exhaust its possibilities†. What possibilities do you see in Shakespeare’s Hamlet? Discuss your ideas with close reference to at least two scenes from Hamlet. Shakespeare’s texts have been re-visited, re-interpreted and re-invented to suit the context and preferences of an evolving audience, and it through this constant recreation it is evident that Hamlet â€Å"does not define or exhaust its possibilities†. Through the creation of a character who emulates a variety ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1338 Words  | 6 Pagescharacter’s emotional journey that truly dictates the story and its overall meaning. This is explicitly seen throughout the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, who is one of the most influential writers of all time. In the play, Hamlet’s father, the king of Denmark, dies; which in turn causes his uncle Claudius to marry Hamlet’s mother and ascend to the throne. This new arrangement does not agree with Hamlet, especially after finding out it was his uncle who killed his father. Thus begins his journey of revengeRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - An Anti War Acti vist And Inspirational Leader1162 Words  | 5 Pagesbritish-ruled India during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, he led a series of peaceful protests and even was considered the prominent leader of the revolution itself. Although some would attempt to verbally attack or even physically assault him, he never would act harshly and fight back or even think about revenge; however, this is where Mahatma Gandhi and Prince Hamlet’s character differ. Hamlet, the protagonist in William Shakespeare s Hamlet, embarks on a journey in order to achieve revenge for hisRead MoreHamlets Journey Through the Grieving Process in Shakespeares Hamlet1245 Words  | 5 Pagessomeone’s life and lead to a negative downfall, such as Hamlet experiences in Hamlet, written by Williams Shakespeare. He undergoes a variety of barriers throughout the novel, such as his father is murdered, which leads to his downfall-death. Although Hamlet grieves, the denial stage is not present in the novel as it begins months after his father’s death. He does not fulfill the bargaining stage either. Ultimately, one can clearly see Hamlet fulfills the grieving process through the stages of AngerRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare1650 Words  | 7 PagesWilliam Shakespeare s play Hamlet is about a complex protagonist, Hamlet, who plays the role of a tragic hero. He encounters several misfortunes from experiencing his beloved father’s death, witnessing his mother s incestuous remarriage to his uncle, and seeing his father’s ghost. Due to all of this, Hamlet falls into a deep depression. Hamlet begins his journey by seeking revenge against Claudius after discovering that his noble father was murdered by his own uncle. Hamlet is a character whoseRead MoreThe Importance Of Artistic Expression Through Theatre725 Words  | 3 PagesThe making of theatre has always been a tumultuous journey filled with ups and downs but in the end bares testament to th e accomplishment of the cast, the crew, the director, and every single person involved in bringing a piece of art to life on stage. In Anne Bogart’s A director Prepares erotiscm is the relationship between the audience and the actors, stereotypes are are containers for memory, and embarrassment enables growth. These 3 essays are what demonstrate the magnitude and affect of artisticRead MorePerfect Idealism In Shakespeares Hamlet1631 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The play Hamlet is a fable of how the ghost of a slain king comes to haunt the living with disastrous consequences. A rancorous ghost and a brother s murder, lead the gloomy setting of Hamlet s Denmark. Hamlet story opens with an encounter between young Hamlet, his dad s ghost as well as the prince of Denmark. The ghost reveals to Hamlet that its murderer was his brother Claudius, who then rapidly wedded his widowed queen, Gertrude. As a result, the ghost presses Hamlet to seek vengeanceRead MoreMadness : William Shakespeare s Hamlet1323 Words  | 6 PagesConnie Merer English 12 C Block 12/16/14 Madness in Hamlet Madness can be interpreted in many different ways, one of which being extremely foolish behavior. William Shakespeare s play, Hamlet, explores this definition within the title character’s journey after the death of his father. Throughout the play Hamlet has glimpses of sanity, but ultimately the tragedy of losing his father causes all of his idiotic behavior. He allows himself to listen to what appears to be the ghost of his father, andRead MoreDreams And Imagined Visions By Tennyson1636 Words  | 7 PagesAs early as the second section we are told of Hallam s final burial below a Yew, whose â€Å"fibres net the dreamless head of Hallam. Tennyson s choice to focus on the â€Å"dreamless†aspect of his friend s skull above any other adjective such as lifeless or thoughtless places an emphasis on dreams at an early point in the poem. Dreams act as a place inbetween the hard, sometimes unbearable reality of Tennyson s loss and the unreachable state of heaven tha t Hallam is in. Dreams and imagined visionsRead MoreSurface, Depth, And A Reflected World Of Hamlet1830 Words  | 8 PagesStevenson Dr. Sigler EN 102 16 November 2015 Surface, Depth, and a Reflected World of Hamlet Although dynamic characters typically develop through solely personal obstacles, William Shakespeare uses the character of Hamlet as a contradiction by illustrating his growth through other characters. In Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, Shakespeare strategically uses Laertes and Fortinbras in order to foil the character of Hamlet. An extended metaphor of a pond is created and through tangled family ties, internal
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ernie Pyle Essay Example For Students
Ernie Pyle Essay Ernie PyleBy: Jenny TrembathMarch 20, 2000Ernie PlyeWhen a machine-gun bullet ended the life of Ernie Pyle inthe final days of World War II, Americans spoke of him in thesame breath as they had Franklin Roosevelt. To millions, theloss of him was as great as the loss of the wartime president. Since WWII correspondent Ernie Pyle was so famous, his death onthe battlefront came as a shock to people around the world. Ernest Taylor Pyle was born August 3, 1900 to Will andMarie Pyle. He was born an only child on the Same Elder farmjust southwest of Dana, Indiana. His father, Will Pyle, was atenant farmer because he couldnt make a steady living frombeing a carpenter, which is what he really liked to do. Pyledescribed his father, He never said a great deal to me all hislife, and yet I feel we have been very good friends, he nevergave me much advice or told me to do this or that, or not to. Marie Pyle filled the role of family leader. She enjoyed tasksat hand: raising chickens and produce, caring for her familyand serving the neighbors. Pyle describes her, She thrived onaction, she would rather milk than sew; rather plow than bake(Tobin 6). Through school Pyle loved to write. During high school hewas reporter, then editor, then editor in chief for his highschool newspaper. When he graduated high school, he too wascaught up in the patriotic fever of the nation upon Americasentry into WWI (Whitman 2). He enlisted in the Naval Reservebut before he could finish his training an armistice wasdeclared in Europe. After that he attended the University ofIndiana to study journalism, but left before he graduated. Ernie Pyle persued his love for writing, and became a cubreporter for LaPorte Herald. For months later he was offereda $2.50-per-week raise to work for the Washington Daily News. He wrote the countries first daily aviation column for fouryears before becoming the papers managing editor. Pyle was areporter, copy editor, and aviation editor until 1932, when heaccepted a job for the Scripps-Howard newspaper chain. Pyleloved to travel and persuaded Scripps-Howard executives toallow him to be a roving reporter. Ernie Pyle was very excitedto be a roving reporter:Its better than a million dollars. Its a new job, thebest job in the world. Just think! No more sittingbehind a desk! No more sticking to the same old office!No more writing headlines of editing other peoplesstories (Wilson 66). The six years he was a roving reporter for Scripps-Howard hecrossed the continent some 35 times. He wrote about all kindsof things: mountain climbing, making soap, digging for gold,zippers that stuck, and his folks back home. Whenever he founda good story, he stopped for a day or two. He would talk toall kinds of people. The he would write his story in a hotelroom that night. People that read his column described it asjust like receiving a letter (Wilson 65). In 1940 Ernie Pyle went to England to report on the Battleof Britain. In 1941 he began covering Americas involvement inWWII, reporting on Allied operations in North Africa, Sicily,Italy, and France. Pyles column during WWII reported on thelife and sometimes death of the average soldier to the millionsof the American home front. He had a simple, warm, humanwriting style. He was widely popular, especially during WWII. Pyles columns covered almost every branch of the servicefrom quarter-master troops to pilots. He saved his highestpraise for the common foot soldier,I love the infantrybecause they are the underdogs. They are themud-rain-frost-and-wind boys. They have no comforts and theyeven learn to live without necessities. And in the end theyare the guys that wars cant be won without (Wilson 66). Hiscolumns which eventually appeared in 200 newspapers did morethan just inform. In 1944 Pyle proposed that combat soldiersbe given fight pay similar to an airmans flight pay. In Mayof that y ear Congress acted on Pyles suggestion and gavesoldiers 50% extra pay for combat service. Also in 1944 Pylewas awarded Pulitzer Prize in reporting for his distinguishedreports from the European battlefront. Jessie James EssayErnie Pyle showed his bravery through doing the job he dideven though he hated war. After he died a column he wroteabout his hatred for war was found in his pocket:The unnatural sight of cold dead men scattered
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