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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hamlet s Emotional Journey - 1129 Words
Hamlet’s emotional journey draws audiences in, and compels them (us) to sympathize with him during his plight. Working title: Metamorphosis What is a soliloquy? A soliloquy is an instance of talking to or conversing with oneself, or of uttering one’s thoughts aloud without addressing any person (speech to the audience) Shakespeare’s effective use of soliloquies reveal the protagonist, Hamlet’s most personal inner thoughts and struggles Hamlet – a complex character; analytical (looks at situations from all angles)/reflective/contemplative/intelligent Thesis: In the famous revenge tragedy â€Å"Hamlet†by William Shakespeare, soliloquies (insert part of definition)------------------- These series of soliloquies - progression of Hamlet’s†¦show more content†¦Or that the Almighty hadn’t made a law forbidding suicide. Oh God! God! How weary, stale, flat and useless everything about life seemed! He moaned. It was terrible. The whole world was like an unweeded garden that had gone to seed – only ugly disgusting things thrived. He couldn’t believe what had happened. Only two months dead; no, not even two. Such an excellent king he had been, compared with this one. It was like Hyperion, the sun god, compared to a lecherous satyr. He’d been so loving to his mother that he wouldn’t even allow the gentle breeze of heaven to blow too roughly on her face. He lifted his hands and blocked his ears as though to shut his father’s memory out. She had loved him so much, adored him, as though the more she had of him the more she wanted him. And yet, within a month! He couldn’t bear to think about it. Women were so inc onsistent! Only a month, even before the shoes with which she had followed his father’s body were old, all flowing with tears, she, even she†¦ Oh God! Even an animal that doesn’t have reason, would have mourned longer – ..she married his uncle! His father’s brother, but no more like his father than he was like Hercules. Even before the salt of those hypocritical tears had left her swollen eyes, she married. Oh, most wicked speed, to hurry so enthusiastically to incestuous sheets! It couldn’t end happily. But he would justShow MoreRelatedMind and Hamlet1132 Words  | 5 Pagesadmirable text does not define or exhaust its possibilities†. What possibilities do you see in Shakespeare’s Hamlet? Discuss your ideas with close reference to at least two scenes from Hamlet. Shakespeare’s texts have been re-visited, re-interpreted and re-invented to suit the context and preferences of an evolving audience, and it through this constant recreation it is evident that Hamlet â€Å"does not define or exhaust its possibilities†. Through the creation of a character who emulates a variety ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1338 Words  | 6 Pagescharacter’s emotional journey that truly dictates the story and its overall meaning. 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