Thursday, October 17, 2019

Fine Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Fine Art - Essay Example This paper explores the connection that exists between art and other disciplines/subjects (Marshall, Donahue, Ayers, & Hetland, 2014).   Since art is a multidimensional subject in the sense that it encompasses literature, visual arts, and performing arts, it interacts with other unrelated fields at different levels. For example, art has a relationship with history through fictional and creative essays and novels that give readers insight into historical events and phenomena. Students who learn historical facts through art will develop unique perspectives about the world. Although Science exists to explain the law of nature, arts fine-tunes the understanding of various persons so that they can analyses different situations and the reasons for the existence of such circumstances. It is also worth noting that mathematics and arts have some connection because both require logical reasoning and analysis of situations and problems (Cukierkorn, 2008).   Learning art through visual arts, dance, and music develops a student’s brain so that the student can handle equally or more challenging disciplines like mathematics and physics that require some mental capacity. Whether they do knowingly or inadvertently, individuals/students employ artistic skills in his/her daily life. As a major discipline, art is an all-inclusive subject that covers a broad range of subjects such as social sciences, history & political science, life sciences, and engineering. Art is related to engineering because most of the engineering concepts employ creative skills. Besides, engineering is mainly a design subject, and art plays a primary role in any design aspect (Marshall, Donahue, Ayers, & Hetland, 2014).   Most schools, particularly in the United States, have adopted disciplined-based art education (DBAE) in order to produce students who are wholesome in their curricular. Since most disciplines like mathematics and science focus on specific dimensions, they do not provide students with

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