Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Personal Development through Reflective Practice Essay

Personal Development through Reflective Practice - Essay Example The organisational structure for Outcomes UK Ltd is mainly controlled by the strategic director along with a number of secondary employees working under him. In the executive management group, officers have been assigned with the task of corporate management of the council, ensuring timely and regular meetings for discussion of current issues perceived to have a significant impact on the council and its services. The executive management has the responsibility of managing projects and other day-to-day activities in order to establish an entity that holds consistent values and views (NRC 2002). Their fixed responsibility lies in a number of tasks such as providing tactical advice and skillful plans to the council; making sure that policy objectives are effectively integrated within their services; managing the development of all strategies; providing information and establishing strong communication with councilors, managers, and staff members; supervising the working relationships between councilors and staff members; keeping watch over organisational values, attitudes, and structure; bringing together the council’s work with other organisations and establishing working relations; and handling resolution of conflicts. All these duties reflect Devlin’s (2006) assertion that executive management plays a major role in every action that the organisation takes. Often times, the members of the executive management group are handpicked by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) based on their individual strengths and the values that they have displayed. Those who can liv e up to the specific tasks assigned to executive management are selected. On the other hand, though much of the organisation’s responsibility lies upon this high ranking group, there is still a need for every member of the council to be involved in daily tasks for organisational goals to be successfully

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